ETFCA content assessment
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If you are uncomfortable with suveillance:
you have every reason to be.
🇦🇱 Nëse ndiheni pakëndshëm duke u monitoruar: ka një arsye të mirë për këtë.
🇧🇾 Ако не се чувствате комфортно, когато ви наблюдават: Имате всички основания да бъдете.
🇨🇳 如果你觉得被监控很不舒服:这是有原因的。
🇨🇿 Pokud se cítíte nepříjemně, když vás někdo sleduje: máte k tomu dobrý důvod.
🇩🇪 Wenn es Ihnen unangenehm ist, überwacht zu werden: Sie haben allen Grund dazu.
🇩🇰 Hvis du ikke er tryg ved at blive overvåget: Det har du al mulig grund til at være.
🇪🇪 Kui jälgimine paneb teid end ebamugavalt tundma: teil on selleks põhjust.
🇪🇸 Si ser observado le hace sentir incómodo: tiene todo el motivo para estarlo.
🇫🇮 Jos sinua on epämukavaa, että sinua tarkkaillaan: sinulla on siihen täysi syy.
🇫🇷 Si le fait d’être surveillé vous met mal à l’aise: vous avez toutes les raisons de l’être.
🇬🇧 If you are uncomfortable with suveillance: you have every reason to be.
🇬🇷 Αν η επιτήρηση σας κάνει να νιώθετε άβολα: Έχετε κάθε λόγο να είστε.
🇭🇺 Ha kényelmetlenül érzi magát, hogy monitorozzák: jó okod van rá.
🇮🇪 If you are uncomfortable with suveillance: you have every reason to be.
🇮🇹 Se si sente a disagio ad essere sorvegliato: Hai tutto il motivo per esserlo.
🇯🇵 監視されることに抵抗がある方は、それなりの理由があると思います。
🇱🇹 Jei jums nemalonu būti stebimam: Turite tam pilną pagrindą.
🇱🇻 Ja jums ir nepatīkami, ka jūs uzrauga, tam ir pamatots iemesls.
🇳🇱 Als je je ongemakkelijk voelt als je in de gaten wordt gehouden: Daar heb je alle reden toe.
🇳🇴 Hvis du er ukomfortabel med overvåking: har du all grunn til å være.
🇵🇱 Jeśli nie czujesz się komfortowo będąc obserwowanym: Jest powód.
🇵🇹 Se se sentir desconfortável por ser observado: é muito justificado.
🇷🇴 Dacă nu vă simțiți confortabil să fiți monitorizat: este foarte justificat.
🇷🇺 Если вам неприятно, что за вами наблюдают: это оправданно.
🇸🇪 Om du känner dig obekväm med att bli övervakad: det finns en bra anledning till det.
🇸🇮 Če vam je neprijetno, da vas spremljajo: za to obstaja dober razlog.
🇸🇰 Ak sa cítite nepríjemne, keď vás niekto monitoruje: je na to dobrý dôvod.
What we do
Our service seeks to implement the EU requirement for warrantless mass surveillance in accondance with the ePrivacy Derogation.
Every day, we would automatically scan and analyze billions of chat messages, emails and video chats for evidence of pedosexual violence or the harassment of children online, so-called grooming. Images, videos and texts that appear suspicious to our AI would automatically be submitted to the police or an NGO for review. As we don’t know the context of the messages, it has to be a sweeping blow. Is it a teenager sending revealing pictures to his crush here? Is it a family on the beach? Or is there possibly a perpetrator who is sending or receiving suspicious material?
And yes, of course Politicians, lawyers, clergy, journalists or high-ranking officials will also be affected. You never know!
Generating Problems.
Solving virtually none.
Our future track record would be impressive.
Billion Messages to be searched, per day
Million Contents to be reviewed, per day
Pointless suspicions to be raised (many against minors)